Notice (SAY)

  • [2020 Spring Semester] Orientation Schedule Change

    2019.12.17 김지훈 3473

    We would like to inform you about the change of date for 2020 spring semester orientation.

    The date has changed from February 24(Mon) to February 25(Tue).


    2020 Spring Semester Orientation


    When: February 25, 14:00 (entrance available from 13:30~)

    Where: Baekyang Hall Auditorium (building#310, 2nd floor)


    This orientation is designed to give you all the practical information you need to adapt to life in Korea and at Yonsei University, and the opportunity to establish some social network with other students. (If this is your second semester at Yonsei, you need not attend the orientation.) 

    A Welcome Packet will be available for pick-up on-site, and if you are unable to attend due to unforeseen reasons, please visit our Office(Baekyang Hall S302) upon your arrival to receive the Packet. 

    building number 310, Baekyang Hall Auditorium