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  • Upcoming APRU Virtual Student Exchange Co-curricular Programs

    2021.07.27 김주희 1362

    The APRU Virtual Student Exchange (VSE) Program makes international education accessible by allowing students to take academic courses and participate in co-curricular programs without the need to leave home. It opens up international education opportunities for all students of APRU member universities by providing an immersive virtual student exchange experience through digital technologies and platforms and creating encounters with new ideas, cultures, experts and students from around the world. Registrations are free of charge.



    Upcoming APRU Virtual Student Exchange Co-curricular Programs



    Value Design-through Design & Techne

    Offered by POSTECH


    Value design refers to the design work of value in the process of human beings properly grasping social and global problems and trying to solve them in reality. This lecture aims to predict the future by specifically answering questions and concerns about how to carry out the value design process.


    Date & Time:

    ·      Aug 11 – 11am-12nn Korea Standard Time (UTC+9)


    Application Deadline:

    ·      Aug 6


    Learn More   |   Sign Up Now




    How is the Sport Industry Evolving with Digital Transformation?

    Offered by POSTECH


    The sport industry is undergoing a rapid upheaval as digital technology is unlocking unprecedented opportunities. The global trend of sport technology has been revolving around building new ecosystems through digital transformation to create new values. In particular, these digitally transformed ecosystems have the potential to change the performance of athletes and teams; the experiences of fans; and the operation of venues.


    At POSTECH, the Korea Sport Industry Development Institute (KSIDI) focuses on sport technology with the use of big data, data science, wearable sensors, artificial intelligence, computer vision, and virtual reality. In this special lecture, one of the innovative interdisciplinary research projects to develop a support system to enhance the performance of soccer team will be introduced to the participants.


    Date & Time:

    ·      Aug 24 – 10-11am Korea Standard Time (UTC+9)


    Application Deadline:

    ·      Aug 20


    Learn More   |   Sign Up Now



    Find out more about the exciting upcoming APRU VSE co-curricular programs at